Longer Boats Are Coming

May 6, 2017

A boat tied up on the side of a canal, with a cantilevered drawbridge in the background.
A flag of the Netherlands flys on a pole from a house.
A carving of a monk blessing a dog, inscribed with the dates 1445 and 1945 in the bottom corners and
A bicycle locked to a post on the edge of a canal which goes through a tunnel in a building in the background.
Statues of two cannons and a horse and rider fighting a griffin on top of an archway.
A statue of a man looking at a canvas with another man's face.  That same image hangs on a wall in the background.
A cannon sits before an entryway and customs house with a domed tower.

Leiden, The Netherlands

May 6, 2017

Longer Boats Are Coming - May 6, 2017 - {"name"=>"Evan Berkowitz", "twitter"=>"evanberkowitz", "email"=>"evan@evanberkowitz.com", "phone"=>"+1 917-692-5685", "inspire"=>"https://inspirehep.net/authors/1078474", "arxiv"=>"http://arxiv.org/a/berkowitz_e_1", "github"=>"http://github.com/evanberkowitz", "linkedin"=>"https://www.linkedin.com/in/evanberkowitz", "google_scholar"=>"https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hEy9k60AAAAJ", "orcid"=>"http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1082-1374", "research_gate"=>"https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Evan_Berkowitz"}