I Was Rolling Down The Road In Some Cold Blue Steel

March 8, 2020

A silhouette of a blooming cherry tree before the silhouette of a large obelisk.
Looking up, a flag pole seems to parallel the Washington Monument so that an American flag flies above it.
Four metallic eagles, wings spread, support a wreath by a ribbon in their beaks, beneath a stone, triumphal arch.
A stone walkway descends parallel to a black mirrored wall with red and white flowers and small flags leant against it.
The sun is reflected in a black wall engraved with names.
The moon rises over bare trees, at a height similar to the obelisk, sunset-bathed, before a white, domed building.
A hill, ringed with flags, with an enormous stone obelisk sits before a broad, white, domed building with a bronze statue atop it.
Ridged marble columns on the left, a flat marble wall on the right, and a polished marble floor, frame a distant obelisk and white dome.

The National Mall

Washington, DC

March 8, 2020

I Was Rolling Down The Road In Some Cold Blue Steel - March 8, 2020 - {"name"=>"Evan Berkowitz", "twitter"=>"evanberkowitz", "email"=>"evan@evanberkowitz.com", "phone"=>"+1 917-692-5685", "inspire"=>"https://inspirehep.net/authors/1078474", "arxiv"=>"http://arxiv.org/a/berkowitz_e_1", "github"=>"http://github.com/evanberkowitz", "linkedin"=>"https://www.linkedin.com/in/evanberkowitz", "google_scholar"=>"https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hEy9k60AAAAJ", "orcid"=>"http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1082-1374", "research_gate"=>"https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Evan_Berkowitz"}